Some Living Your Passion guests I seek out; others somehow come to me!

The latter is the case for today's guest, Brad Kelly (#36). He came to me through this tweet from Tiffany Thorton!

@MOFinancial knows this better than anyone “@buffer: Join us on Wednesday to chat about living your passion with @djwaldow! #bufferchat...” — Tiffany Thornton (@WarmYourHeart) November 3, 2014

Brad's passion: Helping others chase their dreams

In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page.

Are you ready to learn more about Brad's passion for dream chasing?

During this episode, Brad ...

Shared how he uncovered his passion.
Talked about how he truly loves helping other people - something past guests have shared too
Expanded on how he - along with his wife - helps people chase their dreams.
Discussed how he moved to Williston, North Dakota, lived in his car for a week, and watched the money flow in. Crazy, huh?
Shared how his wife started writing ... which soon turned into a book ... and a series (a super-hero series!)
Talked about how he has lived in 7 different states since he's been married.
Shared how Colorworld Books is already helping people chase their dreams.
Stressed the importance of being honest ... I could not agree more!
Talked a lot about superheroes!

More About Brad

CEO, CMO, Sourcing Expert, #IAmLogistics, @ColorworldBooks Marketing Department, #BIBA and MOF Founder...oh, & I trade stocks & options.. Learn more about Brad on Twitter.

Links Discussed In This Episode

A Rig is Down - an article Brad's wife Rachel wrote that went "viral."
Colorworld Books
Brad on Twitter
Colorworld Books on Twitter
Colorworld Books Kickstarter campaign - FUNDED!
Colorworld Books on Facebook

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Finally, if you know someone who bleeds passion (or maybe it’s you), please email me at djwaldow at gmail dot com. Oh, and if you have a connection to LeBron James, please let me know. I think he’d be a great person to talk to about his passion for basketball. #DeadSerious

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