Another international guest? YOU KNOW IT!

Today's guest - #28 - is Barbara Jackson who lives in ... SWEDEN!

Barbara and I connected through Twitter thanks to a Dorie Clark tweet. Dorie introduced me to past guest (#3), Tim McDonald, who has introduced me to a boatload of past Living Your Passion guests.

Barbara sent me a super-detailed email about how she uncovered her passion and I just had to have her on the show!

Ready to be blown away? See that picture of Barbara in this post? Standing next to her is past Living Your Passion guest (#22) Ilma Nausedaite ... who she met up with in Latvia a few days after we recorded this interview. Small world, huh?

Barbara's passion: Bringing people together (to make change together)

In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page.

Are you ready to learn more about how Barbara brings people together (to make change together)?

During this episode, Barbara ...

Talked about how she thought she had "made it" when she was 23 years old (after meeting Paris Hilton, working at Canne Film Festival, and so on), only to learn she had not.
Shared all of the various places - COUNTRIES - she has lived ... and why (work, education, fun).
Discussed how she met her now-husband when she was 17 years old ... the same age she was when she went to college.
Talked about how she shared with her parents at age 14 that she wanted to go to boarding school and show she was always "really anxious" to do something, get out there, experience the world.
Talked about how "everything changed" in 2012 when she arrived in India - in the middle of the night - at an Ashram in India and ended up staying there for 5 days.
Shared the moment when she realized she "had to quit."
Dropped some serious knowledge. Ha!
Explained what she meant by "raising her voice." <--- very very cool.
Talked about "living your passion" ... "living an inspired life" ... "being in your element."
Shared her wisdom

More About Barbara

Left my corporate career to do what I always knew I would: CREATE. DISCOVER. JOURNEY. ENGAGE. CHANGE. SHIFT. | CEO Projects For Change AB Learn more about Barbara on Twitter.

Links Discussed In This Episode

Barbara's website/company/business
Projects for Change - Barbara's current project

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Finally, if you know someone who bleeds passion (or maybe it’s you), please email me at djwaldow at gmail dot com. Oh, and if you have a connection to LeBron James, please let me know. I think he’d be a great person to talk to about his passion for basketball. #DeadSerious

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