May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the Mattsons invited Debra Fileta to talk about her new book, Are you Really Okay Getting Real About Who You Are, How You’re Doing, and Why It Matters. As you may or may not know, at Living Wholehearted, we are passionate about bridging the gap between mental health and clinical research and what God’s word has to say. We specialize in leaders because we know leaders are human too! According to Lifeway Research, 23% of pastors acknowledge they have personally struggled with a mental illness. 49% of pastors say they rarely or never speak to their congregation about mental illness. 65% of churchgoing family members of those with mental illness want their church to talk openly about mental illness. Historically, the church has not had the greatest reputation at responding well to mental illness or understanding the needs, oversimplifying and sometimes over spiritualizing and causing more harm.


Debra Fileta is a licensed professional counselor, podcaster, and the author of True Love Dates, Choosing Marriage, and Love in Every Season. She’s a passionate speaker about relationships and she and her husband, John, have been happily married for more than a decade. You can find Debra at


Living Wholehearted is celebrating their 10 YEAR anniversary this May!!! To celebrate, they are offering merch at 50% off. Go to the to find great deals. When you go to and subscribe to our newsletter, you will be entered to win a copy of Debra’s book and Shrinking the Integrity Gap this month!