The very word QUIET TIME can seem archaic in our day in age. However, as we unpack the link between psychology and theology and leadership at Living Wholehearted, a common thread in becoming wholehearted is knowing the One who made us and walks with us in our day to day lives. Whether you call it “renewing our minds” and “reframing” or “schemas” - reading the Bible is a central part of taking our thoughts captive, grounding our emotions, and developing our identity.

Maybe you are overwhelmed by where to start in reading your Bible or you have found yourself looking at the dusty book for some time with no desire or direction. Most followers of Jesus know that reading God’s Word is a powerful part of growing in our relationship with the One who loves us and knows us. However, if you have not been taught how or it has become a legalistic tool used against you, reading the Bible can seem intimidating and sometimes stifling.


In episode #68, Terra unpacks with our guest, Brittany Ann, how to fall in love with God’s Word for the first time or… all over again. She says whether you are seasoned or new at reading the Bible, there are ways we can all grow in uncovering the joy found in a living and breathing love letter from God. 

Brittany Ann is an author, speaker, and founder of, a popular Christian-living website dedicated to helping women be “all in” in faith and family. Brittany is the author of Fall in Love with God's Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women and the creator of the 21-Day Bible Reading Challenge, a free challenge to help Christian women make regular Bible reading a priority.