In Part 1 of this discussion on abuse and trauma, we share a story with you that is far too common. You might not be someone who has faced addiction or has a story of abuse. However, we can guarantee that you know someone who has and they often do not look like they are trauma survivors. 1 and 3 girls are sexually abused and addiction follows most abuse survivors as they try to cope with the pain. Austie Eckley is a leader of women who loves passionately and fiercely because she knows what it’s like to need someone to see you despite your story. She knows what it’s like to need an example of Jesus’s love at the darkest hour. So we asked her to share her story with us and how she began her journey of Living Wholehearted, bringing all of who she was before our God. Austie Eckley, a mother of four little girls, talks about the earlier parts of her journey and how that plays a role in who she is today as a mother and shepherd of women. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and sweet little girls. She is an artist who creates jewelry, art, makeup, and finds the best thrift store deals. Let’s take a few weeks to talk about something that may help shape your year - facing what is hard about your story (or another person’s story) and begin calling things what they are. We want to take the next couple podcasts to unpack more of the what, why, and how we heal from trauma. Leave a review. That will help others find this podcast. Check out more at