Monte and Stephanie found themselves at the edge of burnout. Monte was hiding for years as he served in various leadership roles, including ministry. Stephanie was unaware of Monte’s inner world until he hit a wall. Monte was adopted at birth and a depression survivor. This episode unpacks their journey together - through his healing journey. They have been married 31 years and have five children. Steph has been a stay-at-home mom for the past 25 years and Monte worked as a high school teacher & coach, Vice President of Columbia Funds, and then a full-time pastor for fourteen years before joining the Living Wholehearted Counseling team. He has a passion for cross-cultural experiences and ministries. Together, they have learned how to parent adopted kids with disabilities, mentor of many, and Steph has becoming an incredible Kintsugi artist. 

You can find Stephanie’s art at her etsy store if you want a beautiful piece of art to symbolize how God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. Steph leaves a piece missing from every single one of her hand-made designs to represent the unfinished work we all are in God’s grace.