Today we want to talk about what women need to know before they consider divorce. There are a lot of confusing messages - especially in the church - about divorce. It’s hard because marriage is meant to be a beautiful image of God’s covenant with His people - what the Bible calls the “Bride of Christ”. We see this marital covenant reflected throughout scripture. We are for marriage and as a marriage and family therapist, I have spent decades helping good and hard marriages heal and repair. However, restoring a marriage where trust and commitment have been violated requires two parties. And there are times, when a spouse has to choose divorce because of unrepentant or repeated adultery or abuse. Many times women will stay because they are unsure they can survive financially. Often, leaders in the church are unsure how to help these women with practical steps. Though men can find themselves in this situation, today, for the sake of clarity, we will be talking mostly about women. We have Amy Oliver, of Healing House Solutions, with us today. She knows what it’s like to feel stuck in an unhealthy marriage and not see a financial way out. As a licensed realtor, Amy began by helping women in similar circumstances evaluate whether to keep or sell a family home, taking into consideration not just the financial, but the emotional aspects of that decision too. With the addition of training in divorce financial analysis, she guides and advocates for women as they assess their full financial picture, including budgets, assets, liabilities, child support, and spousal support needs. In this episode, Amy talks about the four reasons most women find themselves in this place: abuse, abandonment, adultery and addiction; the most common concerns women are facing; why women often stay in these toxic relationships; the biggest myths about divorce, and so much more.

To connect with Amy Oliver, visit the following:




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If you’re  a female leader, consider applying for the Women’s Wholehearted Leadership Cohort. This is a one-year Cohort that runs from July 2023 through June 2024 and is limited to 12 women. Uniquely designed for female leaders, this is a holistic trauma-informed leadership development experience. It includes 10 individual coaching sessions with LW executive coaches, 6 group coaching sessions and 2 two-day retreats in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. The application is open through June 10. Go to for more information.


Until next time, be the leader you would follow!


Grateful for you,

Jeff & Terra


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:














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