We are finishing up our Sexual Wholeness series and if you haven’t been listening, make sure you go back and tune it to  some of the fantastic interviews with Shaunti Feldhahn and Dr. Michael Sytsma. We are bringing  Jay Stinger back on the podcast to help us talk about how to develop healthy sexuality in our children. We have a lot of kindred connections with Jay and we so appreciate his work.  


Jay Stringer is a licensed mental health counselor, ordained minister, researcher and speaker on the subject of sexual desire. Jay is the author of the award-winning book Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing. Unwanted is based on a multi-year research project with over 3,800 men and women to understand the key drivers of unwanted sexual behavior; pornography, infidelity, or buying sex. Jay is based in New York City where he lives with his wife, Heather, and their two children.


Resources Jay recommends are listed on his Instagram bio. Next week we will be talking with one of the experts he mentions, Kristen Miele, who developed Sex Ed Reclaimed! Don't miss it. 

To connect with Jay, visit the following:




Instagram: jay_stringer_

Facebook: @JayStringerUnwanted

Twitter: @_jaystringer



Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing, by Jay Stringer




We LOVE that you have decided to join us this week for the Living Wholehearted Podcast. We hope you enjoyed the conversation, tips, and resources to help you transform every relationship that matters most to you. If you think this will help someone you know, make sure you send it their way or share on socials. Tag us @living_wholehearted and @terramattson! Don't forget to FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss an episode and help spread the word by leaving us some stars on a review. Thanks for partnering with us to help more leaders, just like you, who want to live and lead with integrity at home, work and in the community.  Go to livingwholehearted.com and sign up to receive our free leadership tips and updates delivered to you in our monthly newsletter. And, if you are a girl mom, check out mycourageousgirls.com.


Until next time, be the leader you would follow!


Grateful for you,

Jeff & Terra


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:

















Shrinking the Integrity Gap 



Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course 


Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace


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