“Your biological clock is ticking.” “You’ll regret not having kids.” Any woman who even hints she is maybe questioning whether or not she wants to have kids has heard some form of these cultural scripts. Our guest today asks, “Is it possible to do something more meaningful than mothering?” (Hint: the answer is yes.) The conversation today is for anyone—whether mom or non-mom, stepparent or foster parent, infertile or ambivalent—who has been shamed, in particular by American Christianity, for not feeling what they’re “supposed to feel” about motherhood. Our guest for this episode is Erin S. Lane, a writer, theologian, and someone other than a mother. She is the author of Someone Other Than a Mother: Flipping the Scripts on a Woman’s Purpose and Making Meaning Beyond Motherhood. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Davidson College and a master’s degree from Duke Divinity School, both with a focus on gender studies. Mentored by Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage & Renewal, she works as a vocational retreat facilitator, helping people discern their wildest questions of purpose.


To connect with Erin Lane, visit:




Facebook - @heyerinlane

Twitter - @heyerinlane

Instagram - @heyerinlane


Someone Other Than a Mother: Flipping the Scripts on a Woman's Purpose and Making Meaning beyond Motherhood




If you are a female leader and looking for a way to connect with us, our Executive Coaches, Connie Armerding, Rhonda Began and I, Terra Mattson, will be leading a 6-month group coaching session. It will run from February through July, meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. You can register anytime. It’s only $45/month and we will be covering all those unique challenges women face as leaders. Register at livingwholehearted.com.


We LOVE that you have decided to join us this week for the Living Wholehearted Podcast. We hope you enjoyed the conversation, tips, and resources to help you transform every relationship that matters to you. If you think this will help someone you know, make sure you send it their way or share on socials. Tag us @living_wholehearted and @terramattson! Don't forget to FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss an episode and help spread the word by leaving us some stars on a review. Thanks for partnering with us to help more leaders, just like you, who want to live and lead with Integrity at home, work and in the community.  You can always subscribe to our monthly newsletters at livingwholehearted.com. And, if you are a girl mom, check out mycourageousgirls.com.


Until next time, be the leader you would follow!


Grateful for you,

Jeff & Terra




To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:

















Shrinking the Integrity Gap 


Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course 


Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace


Dear Mattsons 


Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters 



Living Wholehearted is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org