We are in the middle of a short series on detoxing. Today, we are talking about detoxing from the digital world. Don’t worry, this is not a guilt-ridden episode on why all digital devices are bad and from the pit of hell. But it is timely as you consider what you are buying for your kids during the holiday season and as you think ahead about setting new healthy rhythms in your home for next year. We are personally still detoxing from habits we formed during the pandemic - hours of hallmark christmas movies, netflix series and yes, reruns of Survivor. So, no judgment from us. However, in all reality, in this digital age, children, with developing brains, are spending more time interacting with screens than ever before. There is less time playing outside, reading a book, or interacting with family. We have lost basic things like looking each other in the eye while we talk, and finishing a conversation about our days before we hit the pillow. Though technology has its benefits, it also has its harms. So we want to shore up some of our thinking and habits.


Arlene Pellican is a speaker, author and podcaster. Her latest book, Screen Kids: 5 Relational Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World was co-authored with Gary Chapman. She’s been honored to speak, write books (translated into over 10 languages), and appear on several media outlets like the Today Show, Wall Street Journal, Focus on the Family, Fox & Friends, TLC’s Home Made Simple, FamilyLife Today, and The 700 Club. She hosts The Happy Home podcast.  She has been on the writing team for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Girlfriends in God. She earned a BA from Biola University and a MA from Regent University. 


Her happy place is with her husband of more than 23 years, James, and their three children, Ethan, Noelle and Lucy. They live in San Diego with their Goldendoodle named Winston.


Learn more about Living Wholehearted at www.livingwholehearted.com and Courageous Girls at www.mycourageousgirls.com 


To connect with Arlene Pellicane, visit:






Screen Kids - https://5lovelanguages.com/screenkids/




The Happy Home





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Shrinking the Integrity Gap 


Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course 


Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace https://mycourageousgirls.com/shop/p/book-courageous-being-daughters-rooted-in-grace

Dear Mattsons 


Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters 
