The Mattsons are speaking with a kindred heart in this episode as Aubrey shares her own leadership journey and the principles she believes shapes a leader of integrity. Aubrey speaks from her experience of trying to prove herself as a leader, achieving and hiding in the shadows of performance. She attributes much of this to the shame she felt from her story of sexual assault. She tells of a season of great accomplishment met with deep sorrow and how her healing and forced rest has become the cornerstone of her intimacy with God. She shares how leaders can fight the temptations and pressures to build a brand over a faithfulness to their God and local community. Aubrey is passionate about leading a multi-ethnic church community and she tells how, as white pastors, she and her husband have taken intentional steps to creating a leadership that reflects their community.


If you are a leader caught in the performance based trap, running from shame, or looking for inspiration in the face of a busy season, or you just want to hear how one woman is leading in the heart of Chicago, you need to listen to this podcast. Learning to lead from being known by our Creator rather than trying to be known by the world is a transformational posture that breathes life and integrity.



Aubrey Sampson co-planted and serves on the teaching and preaching team at Renewal Church. She is an award-nominated author, a contributor to Propel Women and Christianity Today, Ann Voskamp’s A Holy Experience, Proverbs 31 and more. She is the co-host of The Common Good Talk Show and the Nothing is Wasted Podcast. Aubrey preaches and speaks around the country at churches and ministry events. She and her husband and three sons live and minister in the Chicagoland area. Aubrey’s books include: Known: How Believing Who God Says You Are Changes Everything, The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament, and Overcomer: Breaking Down the Walls of Shame and Rebuilding Your Soul.


To connect with Aubrey, visit:



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The Common Good Talk Show -

Nothing is Wasted Podcast -

Known: How Believing Who God Says You Are Changes Everything -

The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament (NavPress, 2019) -

Overcomer: Breaking Down the Walls of Shame and Rebuilding Your Soul (Zondervan, 2015) -



Want to grow as a leader? Consider joining our Wholehearted Leadership Cohort. Our 2023-2024 Wholehearted Leadership Cohort application is closing soon! If you are interested in taking a 2 year journey with other leaders from around the nation, check out the details on our website. You will get 15 one-to-one coaching sessions with one of our trauma-informed executive coaches, monthly group cohort meetings on a platform designed to create dialogue and community, and 4 in-person retreats in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon. Learn more at


To connect with Jeff and Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:













Shrinking the Integrity Gap

Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course

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