At first glance, pro-life and pro-choice ideologies appear staunchly opposed to each other. But what if life and choice didn’t have to be in opposition to one another? What if a woman’s life, and the life of the unplanned unborn, could both thrive simultaneously?


Terra flies solo today as she interviews Natasha Smith, co-author, with Brittany Smith, of Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice (David C. Cook, 2021). Natasha also served on staff at Save the Storks, a pro-life nonprofit that exists to support pregnancy centers nationally, change the narrative around unplanned pregnancies and depoliticize the topic of abortion. After listening to today’s episode, check out episode 122 where Terra interviewed CEO of Save the Storks, Diane Ferraro.


Whatever your story or wherever you stand in the abortion debate, we invite you to listen with a heart and mind open to learning.


Natasha worked with Save the Storks for five years as the Creative Projects Manager and the Church Resource Manager. She supports the pro-life movement by telling stories through writing, video, and photography. After so many interactions with women who nearly chose abortion, Natasha compiled their stories and co-authored Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice to help people understand how complex and nuanced a woman’s decision is and how we can offer holistic support. She continues to speak and write on pro-life issues with the hope of cultivating a compassionate approach to women facing unplanned pregnancies. Her academic background is in communications and biblical theology and is currently seeking a Masters in Old Testament from Denver Seminary. You can learn more about her other writing and photography at


To connect with Natasha Smith, visit:







Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice (David C Cook, September 2021)


If you want to know more about Living Wholehearted and the resources we offer, from our books and e-Courses, to our professional counseling and leadership development services, go to and sign up for our monthly newsletters. Each month you will be connected with resources and on-going support for your journey toward living more wholehearted. And if you want to participate in one of the monthly group coaching sessions, registration is open, and you can join anytime. The application process for our next Wholehearted Leadership Cohort (a two-year leadership development experience) begins this summer. If you get our newsletter, you will be the first to know! That’s or follow us on instagram @living_wholehearted.


AND - If you are a mom raising girls, you know how hard it is in today's world to find a trusted guide. There are so many confusing messages. That's why I created these resources: Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters. Go to CPGUIDES.ORG to learn more and check out to learn more about her efforts to raise up healthy female leaders.


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:











Shrinking the Integrity Gap

Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course

Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace

Dear Mattsons

At first glance, pro-life and pro-choice ideologies appear staunchly opposed to each other. But what if life and choice didn’t have to be in opposition to one another? What if a woman’s life, and the life of the unplanned unborn, could both thrive simultaneously?


Terra flies solo today as she interviews Natasha Smith, co-author, with Brittany Smith, of Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice (David C. Cook, 2021). Natasha also served on staff at Save the Storks, a pro-life nonprofit that exists to support pregnancy centers nationally, change the narrative around unplanned pregnancies and depoliticize the topic of abortion. After listening to today’s episode, check out episode 122 where Terra interviewed CEO of Save the Storks, Diane Ferraro.


Whatever your story or wherever you stand in the abortion debate, we invite you to listen with a heart and mind open to learning.


Natasha worked with Save the Storks for five years as the Creative Projects Manager and the Church Resource Manager. She supports the pro-life movement by telling stories through writing, video, and photography. After so many interactions with women who nearly chose abortion, Natasha compiled their stories and co-authored Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice to help people understand how complex and nuanced a woman’s decision is and how we can offer holistic support. She continues to speak and write on pro-life issues with the hope of cultivating a compassionate approach to women facing unplanned pregnancies. Her academic background is in communications and biblical theology and is currently seeking a Masters in Old Testament from Denver Seminary. You can learn more about her other writing and photography at


To connect with Natasha Smith, visit:







Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice (David C Cook, September 2021)


If you want to know more about Living Wholehearted and the resources we offer, from our books and e-Courses, to our professional counseling and leadership development services, go to and sign up for our monthly newsletters. Each month you will be connected with resources and on-going support for your journey toward living more wholehearted. And if you want to participate in one of the monthly group coaching sessions, registration is open, and you can join anytime. The application process for our next Wholehearted Leadership Cohort (a two-year leadership development experience) begins this summer. If you get our newsletter, you will be the first to know! That’s or follow us on instagram @living_wholehearted.


AND - If you are a mom raising girls, you know how hard it is in today's world to find a trusted guide. There are so many confusing messages. That's why I created these resources: Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters. Go to CPGUIDES.ORG to learn more and check out to learn more about her efforts to raise up healthy female leaders.


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:











Shrinking the Integrity Gap

Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course

Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace

Dear Mattsons