Change is hard. Handing off the baton of an organization is even harder. Are you in a season of transition? When do you know it's time to release something and pursue another calling? Maybe you are a senior leader who is considering whether or not it’s the right time to begin succession planning. Maybe you are the next president or CEO of an organization and you are carefully striving to honor the past while innovating for the future. Regardless, this episode with co-founder of Trueface Ministries, Dr. Bruce McNicol, and current President/CEO, Robby Angle, is one you don't want to miss. They talk about principles for healthy transitions and how to manage change well. Bruce shares how he planned for his succession and he highlights the role of providential help along the way. Robby describes Bruce’s role and his humility throughout the succession and the importance of communication and patience in this process.


Robby is the President and CEO of Trueface. He lives in Dawsonville Georgia with his wife Emily and their 8 children. Prior to serving at Trueface, Robby served for over 7 years as Director of Adult Ministry Environments and Director of Men’s Groups at North Point Community Church in Atlanta, Georgia founded by Andy Stanley. Prior to joining North Point, Robby and his wife, Emily, both worked in professional counseling and aid work, where they served with Samaritan’s Purse in Pakistan and Myanmar overseeing international disaster response teams. Robby and Emily received a Masters in Community Counseling from Appalachian State University. Angle also holds a business degree from the University of Florida, and a Certificate in Bible/Biblical studies from Dallas Theological Seminary.


Bruce McNicol is the Co-Founder (with Bill Thrall) and President Emeritus of Trueface. God has used Bruce’s teaching wisdom, global vision, and business skills to help Trueface offer break-through experiences of grace for many thousands around the world. With degrees in finance law, theology, leadership and organizational development, Bruce’s gifting to write to diverse readers and leaders has proved true in the best-sellers he has co-authored: The Cure, The Ascent of a Leader, Bo’s Café, Behind The Mask, The Kingdom Life, and High Trust Cultures. Having lived in Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Chicago, and Phoenix, Bruce has gained a variety of interests through the years, including international cultural trends and needs, music, hiking, reading, comedy, and sports. His constant interest is his wife Janet, who is a home-maker, nurse, and mentor, as well as their three adult children and their growing families.


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Jeff and Terra and their professional team of executive coaches and organizational development experts are here to help you in any season of transition in your leadership. Learn more at