At Living Wholehearted, we believe deeply in learning to live and lead with integrity. And though most of us would say we believe this too, many of us have not been given the tools, the “how to”, or even good examples to follow. So instead, we hear messages like, “Stop that” and “Hide that” and “Quit doing that” without any insight into the why and the deeper needs of our humanity. In fact, we are living in a time when men and boys are experiencing the greatest mental health crisis we’ve ever known. We have invited a leading authority on masculinity to join us in a very important conversation.


Our guest today has had a significant influence on Jeff's journey and may have had an impact on you as well. We will be talking about the core needs of men and boys with best-selling author and counselor, John Eldredge. He is the president of Wild at Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God and recover their own hearts in God’s love. John and his wife, Stasi, live near Colorado Springs, Colorado.


In this episode, John shares his own story, the cultural shifts impacting men and boys today, the effects of a global pandemic on males, and how they can learn to meet their relational needs. John also shares how women can help the men in their lives live more fully.


You can find John’s latest book Wild at Heart Expanded Edition (Nelson Books, March 2, 2021) or learn more at