Most people never intend to get sued or to have life-altering events, such as a major medical issue, that puts them into unimaginable debt.

Unfortunately, life has a way of humbling even the most conservative, diligent planners; putting them into a position where they face extreme financial loss due to divorce, bankruptcy, failed business ventures, and prolonged illness or injury.

Ryan Fowler, founder and president of The Privacy and Financial Shield, LLC believes that everyone, even those who don't run with the Kardashians or Trumps, can benefit from having a solid asset protection plan in place.

Not only do these plans help shield your assets in case of sudden adverse circumstances, but they also help maintain your privacy and peace of mind.

Trusts, living wills, wills, and correct business structures are things that every business owner and individual needs to consider, especially in an uncertain and litigious climiate.

Listen to this podcast and learn how you can prepare for the unthinkable and keep more of your hard-earned money from being exposed.