If you're a parent or grandparent, you'd like to see your children go to the school of their choice to pursue their goals and dreams.

Unfortunately, with tuition hikes causing many families going into tremendous amounts of debt, funding a college education seems like an impossible feat.

Marvin Bulas, an Authorized Bank on Yourself advisor, is a specialist in building policies to help cover the costs of college. Using Marvin’s proven strategies, parents are able to plan for college without taking on loads of debt and also:

-Continue to earn interest on the money they are using from their specially-designed policies to pay for college. This means their money is working twice as hard for them.

-They know exactly how much they will  have in their policy when the time comes to pay for college.

You may have seen college plans before, but it's likely you've NEVER heard about this clever strategy of college planning that avoids unnecessary fees and interest, allows you unlimited flexibility, use, and control of your money, and keeps you and your kids debt-free.