If you've ever wondered...

Why we have so many rules, regulations and laws in the United States...

Why it's so hard to know what's in these laws until you break one of them...

Why bureaucrats won't stop until they control every facet of your life

If electronic voting machines are the ANSWER to voting fraud or simply a way to make such fraud easier...

If anyone on Capitol Hill is really listening...

What is the truth about, #SMARTmeters, industrial hemp, GMOs,  vaccines?

Doyou feel your views on these issues are adequately being represented in your state government? How can you be better informed and involved?

Teresa's guests, Sheila and Coleman Hemphill, are citizen activists working on issues we all care about. Having walked the halls of the Texas capitol, they have an intimate knowledge of how the laws made in that building affect our daily lives. Not only Texas, but every state has a capitol building, in which are politicians we the people should engage and hold responsible for the laws they establish. Seeing the need to educate people on the process of lobbying and advocating for important issues, this mother and son team have developed the Texas Right to Know website as a mechanism for public involvement in their local government.