Whether you put it in a coffee can and bury it in the back yard, stuff it under your mattress. your cash needs a place to live.  Most people intuitively know that keeping large amounts of cash at home is probably not a great idea, so they default to putting their money in a bank. 

Unfortunately, most banks give you next-to-nothing in interest and your cash may not be as safe as you think.    We are all aware of the many scandals that plague the "too big to fail," financial institutions.   Many of us have dealt with mortgage scandals, consumer fraud, and other big bank issues.   Global banks may not be the safe, proven institutions they were 50 years ago.   But, what's the alternative?

A majority of Americans don't realize that there IS a way to bypass bankers and take back control, use, liquidity of your own money.

Your money has to be parked somewhere, right?  It may as well be in a place where it can grow more safely and sanely, where you can access it more easily, and where you have potential tax benefits that banks simply do not offer.  

In this interview, Teresa talks to veteran advisor and financial planner Keith Mohn about some of the ways that people can take back their money and create more prosperous lives using a technique that's been around for CENTURIES.