If you've ever wondered how you could live to be over 100, while maintaining a high quality of mental and physical health, then you will want to tune in to this episode.

There are over 30 cultures in the world where documented longevity is the norm.

What makes long, healthy lives possible for people in what are considered by some to be primitive cultures?  Is it purely genetics?  Less stress?  Better water or food?

Dr. John Apsley has been studying the habits and lifestyles of primitive cultures for 35 years in an attempt to discover why some of them experience incredibly long lifespans of 100 years or more, on a regular basis.

Dr. Apsleybelieves the answer lies in these native peoples' ability to understand the regenerative powers residing within each human body as well as their respect for, and stewardship of, their natural environments.

Many illnesses, claim Dr. Apsley, can be healed by the human body itself, without the use of drugs or other harsh medical regimes.  It's a matter of understanding what regeneration is and how to encourage your body to do what it does naturally.