Head to my website for all links - www.coffeeforthebrain.blogspot.com Awesome to have your here! Here is episode three to the Coffeechug Cafe Podcast: Living on the Edge of Chaos This episode I will be sharing out some amazing ideas generated from Teacher Tinker Time this week where we took a look at Augmented Reality in education. I would love to hear from you so please leave any feedback, reviews, questions, etc. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @coffeechugbooks Please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes(I will be very happy for any help you can provide!): https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/coffeechug-concepts-podcast/id438001112?mt=2 - See more at: http://coffeeforthebrain.blogspot.com/2013/11/coffeechugcafe-podcast-series-living-on_9.html#sthash.mj3sjKkq.dpuf Listen to the episode On Friday I set up several tables that looked like the following Augmented Reality Teacher Tinker Time is ready to go! #AR #coffeechugcafe #augmentreality #Framatic I sent out the following email to all staff to come down to my room for Tinker Time Just a reminder that Friday during periods 6,7,8 I will be hosting Teacher Tinker time. We will be looking at Augmented Reality If you have a smartphone or tablet it would be great if you could download the following apps so you can begin to experiment and learn so we can create something very cool in the following weeks. Aurasma Layar Blippar colAR AR Flashcards Brain Scan For Aurasma if you want to follow me (Coffeechug) and another teacher I know (pvjhscience) I can show you some classroom examples. See you tomorrow. Here are some past blog posts regarding Augmented Reality Teach Like A Pirate Poster + Augment Reality = Awesome Classroom Poster FINAL VERSION - See more at: http://coffeeforthebrain.blogspot.com/2013/07/teach-like-pirate-poster-augment.html#sthash.AK6X5gzy.dpuf Teach Like A Pirate Poster + Augment Reality = Awesome Classroom Poster FINAL VERSION Speedgeeking Notes from #ITEC13 via Evernote (my presentation) #ITEC13 Conference Presentations by Coffeechug #coffeechugPLN Theme Song: All credit goes to https://twitter.com/BigRonCrowley https://twitter.com/schink10 Books I Am Reading This Week David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants (finished and book review and future podcast coming) Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day (will finish this weekend) Lexicon (will start this week)

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