About Darlene Greene:

Darlene Greene has over 26 years of experience in executive leadership and senior management positions across diverse industries, including positions such as: Vice President of Strategic Technology Partner at McAfee (Intel), Dean of Culver Girls Academy, Director of Client Services for HyeTech Networks and Security, and Senior Director LifeWave Stem Cell Activation Technology. During her 20 years of military experience, she earned her MBA and held three Commanding Officer positions, including serving as base commander and overseeing over 1200 personnel in multiple departments (IT, Ops, Training, Admin, Logistics, Medical, Supply, Finances, HR, and Facilities). Darlene created the Returning Warrior Weekend Workshop in 2006 to help military and their spouses reintegrate successfully and it is still in existence across the country today. Her passion is helping people activate their stem cells, repair their DNA, reverse age, and get out of pain through the latest photobiomodulation technology.


What We Discuss In This Episode:

Darlene shares her personal health struggles with multiple autoimmune disorders beginning in 1996. Her interest in stem cells intensified when her husband was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's at age 64, experiencing rapid cognitive decline within two years despite stem cell IV treatments and lifestyle changes.

 Darlene saw immediate improvements in her husband's symptoms after starting LifeWave stem cell activation patches, such as reduced napping, improved engagement and personality. Her injuries and depression also improved, eliminating needs for painkillers and blood pressure medication.

Darlene recommends starting with the X39 patch for a month per decade of age, then adding an anti-inflammatory patch for maximum benefits. Consistency for 3-6 months typically yields results including pain relief, increased energy and mental clarity.

The patches use photobiomodulation to signal the body to produce peptides like GHK-CU, a copper peptide shown in 50+ studies to promote stem cell growth and organ function. Within 24 hours, 3000-4000 genes are reset to support cell regeneration and healing.

Darlene shares information about several additional targeted patches including ones for skin, hormones, cravings and energy/mitochondria function. She emphasized the powerful combination of the X39, X49 and anti-inflammatory patches for full-body optimization and health improvements.


Key Takeaways:

Darlene's background and interest in stem cells Activate YOUR OWN stem cells, repair your DNA, reverse age, and get out of pain using the latest photo biomodulation technology. Protocol for using LifeWave patches How does the stem cell path work? What kind of products are there and what do they do? Who should or should not use the products? How quickly people see benefits The scientific proof backing up this new stem cell technology


Resource from Darlene Greene:

Videos & Scientific Proof: https://iamreverseaging.com


Connect With Darlene Greene:

Website: https://iamreverseaging.com

Connect with Lynne:

If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

Want to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing?

Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, have fewer headaches reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by all those changes you see & feel in your body. I'd love to chat. 

Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

Schedule >>HERE<<  


5 Essential Steps to Flourishing in Midlife

Midlife or Menopause messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight aren’t working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that you’re fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

 Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate midlife, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

 You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

Download my free guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/flourish-in-midlife/


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If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


About Darlene Greene:

Darlene Greene has over 26 years of experience in executive leadership and senior management positions across diverse industries, including positions such as: Vice President of Strategic Technology Partner at McAfee (Intel), Dean of Culver Girls Academy, Director of Client Services for HyeTech Networks and Security, and Senior Director LifeWave Stem Cell Activation Technology. During her 20 years of military experience, she earned her MBA and held three Commanding Officer positions, including serving as base commander and overseeing over 1200 personnel in multiple departments (IT, Ops, Training, Admin, Logistics, Medical, Supply, Finances, HR, and Facilities). Darlene created the Returning Warrior Weekend Workshop in 2006 to help military and their spouses reintegrate successfully and it is still in existence across the country today. Her passion is helping people activate their stem cells, repair their DNA, reverse age, and get out of pain through the latest photobiomodulation technology.


What We Discuss In This Episode:

Darlene shares her personal health struggles with multiple autoimmune disorders beginning in 1996. Her interest in stem cells intensified when her husband was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's at age 64, experiencing rapid cognitive decline within two years despite stem cell IV treatments and lifestyle changes.

 Darlene saw immediate improvements in her husband's symptoms after starting LifeWave stem cell activation patches, such as reduced napping, improved engagement and personality. Her injuries and depression also improved, eliminating needs for painkillers and blood pressure medication.

Darlene recommends starting with the X39 patch for a month per decade of age, then adding an anti-inflammatory patch for maximum benefits. Consistency for 3-6 months typically yields results including pain relief, increased energy and mental clarity.

The patches use photobiomodulation to signal the body to produce peptides like GHK-CU, a copper peptide shown in 50+ studies to promote stem cell growth and organ function. Within 24 hours, 3000-4000 genes are reset to support cell regeneration and healing.

Darlene shares information about several additional targeted patches including ones for skin, hormones, cravings and energy/mitochondria function. She emphasized the powerful combination of the X39, X49 and anti-inflammatory patches for full-body optimization and health improvements.


Key Takeaways:

Darlene's background and interest in stem cells Activate YOUR OWN stem cells, repair your DNA, reverse age, and get out of pain using the latest photo biomodulation technology. Protocol for using LifeWave patches How does the stem cell path work? What kind of products are there and what do they do? Who should or should not use the products? How quickly people see benefits The scientific proof backing up this new stem cell technology


Resource from Darlene Greene:

Videos & Scientific Proof: https://iamreverseaging.com


Connect With Darlene Greene:

Website: https://iamreverseaging.com

Connect with Lynne:

If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

Want to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing?

Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, have fewer headaches reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by all those changes you see & feel in your body. I'd love to chat. 

Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

Schedule >>HERE