Is the enneagram actually valid? Why is everyone freaking out about it? Is the enneagram a new or old thing? I don't like the enneagram because I don't want to be put in a box. 

These are the top questions and statements I hear about the lovely Enneagram. Why? Because everyone is SO curious about who they actually are. Even in our curiosity, we don't like to be "typed" or labeled into someone we are not. Or even worse, sometimes we don't want people to actually know about our mistakes and weaknesses. The enneagram has been vital in many individuals personal growth. This tool is a phenomenal tool (out of many) to help us become the person God created us to be. When we understand how we function in the world and that we're actually different, it changes everything.

Callie brought on a TOP expert to teach and discuss the enneagram. Suzanne Stabile is a best selling author twice and is a wizard when it comes to the enneagram. Today Callie has the privdledge of interviewing Suzanne's oldest daughter, Joey Schewee. Joey is an 8 on the enneagram and is married to Billy who is a 9.

In this conversation, Callie and Joey discuss the basics of the enneagram and how it can truly help someone move in the right direction in life. Check out the episode to grow yourself!


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