I don't know if you love a new year and all the goals that come with it, or maybe you hate it? Either way, I think new years are amazing and a great place to start fresh.

The truth is that you don't need a new year to start fresh, you can start fresh every single day. But, I do love using this time of year to prayerfully plan and consider my goals for 2020. 

This past year was a big year in our household. Let's just say nothing went as expected, but we learned A LOT and made great progress in our life. There was on key thing I focused on throughout the year and I truly believe this habit is what kept me going.

I'm really excited to share this tip with you because I believe it will help you accomplish all that you wish in 2020. Setting goals is great and new habits, but if we don't understand this foundation, we'll miss the point and the overall growth.

This episode will inspire you and help you to know how to go into a new year! Are you ready for 2020? Listen to this episode to start your year off strong.

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Instagram: @callieammons