In this episode, I discuss how I recently put in my notice with both of my two full-time jobs so that I could go full-time in my business. What in the world. I have had some funny questions from people and looks on their face when I say this? You know when someone is trying to look happy for you, but they're scared you going to end up on the streets lol? Those are the types of looks I'm getting.

I realized that I haven't shared my entire journey with you as to how or why I started this business in the first place. And what my business is here for? In this podcast episode, I'm sharing my story with you in hopes to ignite dreams within your soul and to create excitement in the power of small things. We often hear these huge and elaborate stories, but oftentimes it leaves us feeling like something is wrong with us.

I had been hesitant to share my story, but God reminded me of how important my story is. I tell people all day long the importance of the story THEY are living, so it was time to share mine. We're going to talk about the real and unpretty things in life and how I've been able to move forward through the midst of challenges and setbacks. We discuss how my business is now full-time and what the road has looked like. Let's do this!

Connect with Callie on IG @callieammons

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