The Find Your Voice Rock Your Blog Podcast Welcomes Aaron Janx If you’ve ever found yourself wanting some no-fluff, straight forward advice for your business or your marketing, this is just the episode for you. Aaron Janx runs a Facebook group called ‘Straight Up Entrepreneurs‘ and if there was anyone ever qualified to tell it like it is (not necessarily ...

The Find Your Voice Rock Your Blog Podcast Welcomes Aaron Janx

If you’ve ever found yourself wanting some no-fluff, straight forward advice for your business or your marketing, this is just the episode for you.

Aaron Janx runs a Facebook group called ‘Straight Up Entrepreneurs‘ and if there was anyone ever qualified to tell it like it is (not necessarily what you want to hear, but what will make the biggest difference in your results), Aaron would be that person.

Aaron’s  approach to business is powerful and unique, and I hope you will find some great value in this episode.



Aaron Janx is an in-demand Business and Sales Mentor for coaches and consultants around the world in many different industries. Aaron owns and operates three businesses including a successful real estate investment company which has allowed him to be financially free to follow his passion.

Aaronâ€s passion is mentoring coaches & consultants by teaching them lead generation and sales skills to rapidly build a strong six figure practice. Before Aaron started his businesses, he was a sales director and trainer and won many sales awards and broke sales records with a Fortune 500 company.

Because while employed he was young and naive he lived beyond his means, he quickly went through his savings and became flat broke after parting way with the company. Humiliated, depressed and defeated, Aaron reluctantly went on food stamps just to feed his wife and four kids.

Today Aaron attributes his remarkable turnaround and success to his cutting edge sales skills, which as he describes “took him from food stamps to freedom.”


Key topics discussed in this episode:

Aaron’s journey from major success to food stamps
How he pulled himself through and became successful again
What made him decide to focus on helping people with sales
Why Aaron believes your website should always be under construction
That it’s okay to changes niches along the way
How to let the marketplace tell you what they want from you
How to let the marketplace determine what will convert or not convert
How to make money with no money

“If you know how to sell, you can always make something happen.”

The difference between relational selling and relationship building
Why networking events are usually a waste of time
How many social media platforms is ideal for you to focus on

“If you want to bring people to where you want them to go, you have to go to where they are.”

Why it’s important to make a good first impression on social media
Keep it simple, speak to your avatar


You don’t need all the answers. You can figure it out as you go. ~ Aaron Janx @aaronjanx
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Items mentioned in this episode include:

Straight Up Entrepreneurs on Facebook– Apply to work with Aaron

How to Connect with Aaron Janx:





I want to hear from you! What was your biggest takeaway from today’s conversation with Aaron? Please share below!

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