Today, we will explore ideas of how to squeeze extra value out of things you already have. Because the old model of having a J O B for your whole life, then retiring into a time of RVs and margaritas on the beach is not necessarily what the future holds with the basis of how our society functions economically changing so quickly. Support me on Patreon! Direct Download

Eating Seasonally and Tales from the Prepper Pantry This is where we share what we are eating as it comes to us - and talk about ways to use what we store.

Tomatoes, squash, beans, corn, cucumbers, peppers, blueberries, blackberries AND NO PEACHES YET - argggggg Salads have moved to more complexity with cucumber as a base and a sprinkling of nastirtium leaves and flowers. We’ve basically reached that part of summer where you have about too much of everything all at once, and you know what that means? Soon it will all die.

What we are preserving this week Where we share what we are preserving for winter storage

NOTHING - we had a bit of a production lull with all the cloud cover for the past week, though the grass is growing VERY well.

Garden Economics project

Nothing to report, except I am only spending $20-30 a week on groceries for two people. Because the garden is giving us food.

7 Principles of gleaning value from what you already have

Take stock of what you have Take stock of what you can do Look at technological opportunities Look at your market opportunities Choose the easy/most fun ones first and systematize them Run the numbers regularly Add one at a time and leave time for recreation

  Make it a great week! Song: Thanks Dave by Sauce