It's not easy when your body is your instrument. Other musicians get sick too, but their instruments don't wheeze or get clogged up with mucus when attacked by an infection. 

In this solo episode of Living A Vocal Life, you'll learn how to stay healthy during the cold and flu season, what to do when you're sick, and how to decide when it's time to cancel a performance.

“Learn to listen to your body. It’s your most precious resource. Give it the love and support it deserves. Get professional help and advice if you need it. Then, when you walk on stage, you’ll be able to trust that it will be there for you, giving voice to all that you are. ”

You can find me on: Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Links mentioned in today’s episode:
The National Center For Voice And Speech: Check Your Meds

Theme music for the Podcast was composed by John Smith. He edits all the podcast episodes too. (Thanks honey!) 

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