This Week on the Live Your Light Show: 

This week’s soulful conversation is with Molly Trotter a former news anchor who is now an on-camera clarity coach and a sales executive at the Dream Factory Co. Her online business has transformed hundreds of women's lives teaching them how to deliver their messages effectively. She believes that the online space is a gift that is underutilized and her work with the Dream Factory supports her vision of sharing strategies to bring online businesses to the next level.

In This Conversation, We Cover:

0:15 What she does and how she got to where is she today  3:05 The moment she reached the breaking point and realized she has to change her career  6:45 Why we should stand up for what we believe in and live in alignment with our values  9:45 How she helps entrepreneurs build confidence in front of the camera 13:05 Being okay with failure and how we can learn from our mistakes 15:25 The Dream Factory- what it is and what they do 22:10 Why we should not be afraid to ask for help and how hiring someone can help us scale our business  25:30 The best business advice she has been ever given  27:50 The number one mistake people do when they niche down 33:10 Life advice she would give to her best friends  36:50 Hashtag #thebiggerthanme and how it came to live



Visit The Dream Factory to see their offerings and mention this episode to get a free clarity call  Learn more about the founder of The Dream Factory,, Adam Flores by listening to this ep on the Live Your Light Show Hang out with Molly on Instagram by clicking HERE or message Molly on Facebook by clicking HERE Buy Adam’s Book, The Art Of Social Influence by clicking HERE 


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