If you search ‘Mo Gawdat’ online, the most popular result that appears time and time again is ‘AI is going to kill us’. As the former Chief Business Officer of Google’s innovation lab, Google X, where they work on new ideas such as self-driving cars and robots, Mo had a deep insight into what the future could hold.

But this is just one side of Mo. He is also the author of the bestselling book, Solve For Happy, which he wrote after discovering the equation for permanent happiness. And his follow-up book, Unstressable, shows us that chronic stress is a predictable and preventable part of modern life. 

In this conversation, we discuss the essence of what makes us human. From parenting to fitting in, Mo shares his personal insights about how we can move beyond the conventional definitions of success and happiness, to something more profound and accessible.

This is such an impactful and emotional conversation which will help you to not only understand how to stop stress taking over, but also uncover the secret weapon in navigating modern society’s challenges.


Other rescources:

Follow Mo on Instagram

Buy Mo’s new book Unstressable



00:00 Intro

02:40 How our relationships influence our understanding of success and happiness

11:40 Masculine and feminine sexuality

14:40 Finding the balance between your masculine and feminine qualities

18:30 How we learn from our mistakes, particularly as parents

27:50 Religion and ‘fitting in’

30:30 Be who YOU are

36:20 Success, unhappiness and a loss of identity 

44:00 Finding your resonance 

46:15 You never really fail

50:00 Society and failure

58:00 How A.I. evolves the world we live in

1:02:00 The essence of what makes us human

1:06:30 Can some companies become more powerful than some countries?

1:11:00 Everyone needs to take responsibility to prevent an A.I. takeover

1:15:00 The negativity bias and why we are conditioned to do the wrong things

1:24:00 Chat GPT and social media are distracting you from the truth

1:29:00 How do we move more into our feminine

1:40:00 Pre-set categories in  society

1:48:00 What does Live Well Be Well mean to you?


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