Dr Rena Malik is the go-to YouTuber for your sex questions. With 2 million subscribers, she regularly shares answers to life’s slightly embarrassing questions. Rena is a leading Professor of Urology and a pelvic surgeon, so all her advice is rooted in scientific evidence. 

Whether it’s understanding the female orgasm, the ideal duration for sex, or why masturbation is OK - Rena’s got you covered. In this episode, there’s no stone left unturned. Sarah and Rena delve into all things sex and pleasure. 

Follow Dr Rena Malik on Instagram


00:00   Introduction

00:26    How do we know if we have a healthy pelvic floor?

04:35    What about men's pelvic floors?

06:12     How to loosen your pelvic floor

08:15    What are Kegels?

12:18  Can G-Spot stimulation help with the relaxation of the pelvic floor?

13:55    There’s a lot of pressure to orgasm!

20:19    Lubrication - what type and how much?

24:20   How much do hormones play a role in sexual dysfunction?

25:31    Should you masturbate?

33:49   What is squirting?

39:30   What is Urology?


Dr Rena Malik’s YouTube Channel

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Watch this episode on YouTube

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