On the long road from Iowa to Orlando, I picked up my mic and hit record. Why are podcasts so damn important for entrepreneurs?

Listen to find out what other podcasters aren’t telling you!

A few highlights of what you will hear:
- Why I think everyone should do podcasting
- Moving to Florida now! Literally.
- Info about filming for Ambitious Adventures T.V. show
- Are you in the Orlando area?
- What I am using to record this from the car.
- Stories from when I first started in podcasting and wanted to be different.
- Highlighting a star student from my accelerator: Laura Petersen
- What Laura’s companies Podtent Marketing and Podcast Teachers do to help entrepreneurs with podcasts and how we are going to work together to start a podcast accelerator!
- Info on Laura’s book which JUST released yesterday and hit Amazon Best Seller within hours!
- Why I podcast and you should too.
- How the podcast helps me save so much time.
- Who I studied before jumping into podcasting in February of 2015
- How podcasting builds credibility
- How I met John Lee Dumas and put business deals together with him
- Tons of ways a podcast can help you grow your business (beyond sponsorships)