Have you heard about grass fed beef? There's an image of the idyllic cows roaming green grasses that comes to mind and the messaging behind grass fed meat is one of enviromental positivity, but is it true? Today environmental scientist and Harvard Farmed Animal Law & Policy Fellow, Matthew Hayek is on to talk about his new research into the sustainability of grass fed beef. We also touch on the terms sustainable, ethical, and humane- are they marketing or reality? Is lab grown meat sustainable? And the big 'p' word, protein, even comes up in today's pod.

PS. We didn't touch on the cruelty that takes place inside the factory farms, grass fed farms, and any animal raising facility in today's episode. This episode was purely focused on the environmental aspect, more to come about the cruelty aspect in the future & there's plenty of past LP pods that focus on the topic of ethics.

Growing Vegan is an 8 week long virtual support group that is geared towards new/transitioning vegans however anyone is welcome to join! It will be held Wednesday evenings starting mid-October. If you or someone you know is interested in more information including fees, dates, and topics please reach out and email Casey Hill at [email protected]

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Show Notes w everything mentioned on the pod linked: http://liveplanted.com/125-grass-fed-beef-sustainable-w-matthew-hayek-harvard-animal-law/

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