Catherine Gray, the host of Invest In Her, interviews Jennifer Jeronimo who is the CEO of Gaingels, an LGBTQIA+/Allied private investment syndicate, and one of the largest and most active private investors dedicated to supporting diversity and inclusion within the venture capital ecosystem.

Jennifer has over 20 years of experience in finance and banking working at large institutions such as Credit Suisse, Bear Stearns, and JP Morgan earning the coveted position of Executive Director.

She has a wide array of local and global experience, servicing institutional and hedge fund clients by running the collateral management, pricing, portfolio accounting, and restricted securities departments. Jennifer was also integral in helping JP Morgan lift the consent order by working in the Compliance Operations organization. Some of her more notable accomplishments include building a KYC organization in India across all the lines of business at JP Morgan, leading the global roll-out of the transaction monitoring system, creating and implementing operational efficiencies for each organization saving millions of dollars a year, and reducing friction for clients.

A passionate advocate for underrepresented leaders, innovators, and founders, she is dedicated to growing the businesses and careers of the leaders of tomorrow. Jennifer is also an award-winning athlete and a proud mother residing in New York City.