As a self-published author, I'm often searching for partnerships that will help me reach a larger audience. Understanding the value of the business of books for an independent author is pinnacle to your success.

As I began to grow in my knowledge of the business of books, I realized that libraries would be a great partner for many reasons: they have book clubs, they have budgets, they have meeting space for events and they LOVE books.

Because of these reasons, I began to make libraries a considerable part of my marketing plan. However, I was surprised when other self-pubbed authors hadn't done the same.

This two-part series is about the value of partnership between libraries and independent authors.

If you're an indie author, jump over to my #Youtube channel and leave a comment to let me know what successes you've had with libraries.

Part Two will broadcast next week!

Don't forget to listen to my #podcast. Download it today from your favorite #podcast store.

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