As we continue our conversation about diversity and inclusion, I want to introduce you to my friend Brien Michaels. I've always been amazed by this young man. As a teenager, he published his first book. Before it was cool to self-pub.

Over the years since, he's found publishers who have helped him put his work in front of readers. He and I have always talked honestly about the honesty in his work. At times you feel the pain of his characters and it makes you wonder why does anything have to be so hard.

I've watched as year after year he's grown in his writing, but also in his story-telling.

I love his stories, and I know you will too. 

Listen in as I talk with Brien about why he writes and why he tells the stories he tells.

Find him on FaceBook at Brien Michaels or find him on Twitter @BrienMichaels.

And don't forget to follow my YouTube channel!