I am back! Full Transparency... I recorded this several times and never uploaded it! I was anxious to release it... 

I have been juggling alot and I had to put my podcast on hiatus...

It was painful because I tend to always do everything I start but someone recently told me that I am a Super Woman but not Superwoman and I needed to prioritize my family, work, school etc!

This episode I talk about what I have been up to and some of my SMART goals for this year

I look forward to all the new episodes that I will be releasing and hope you all are too!


Please Download/Subscribe/Rate wherever you listen!

Also, please remember to use hashtag #LiveFinanciallySavvy on all social media when discussing the podcast so we can connect!!

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The Savvy Accountant™ – Instagram Twitter Facebook

Live Financially Savvy – Instagram Twitter  Facebook


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