We chat with Celia Hodent, expert in game UX (user experience) and cognitive psychology previously on games such as Fortnite, Star Wars 1313, and at Ubisoft about:

- What is 'UX'? And the history of UX

- Celias studies in cognitive psychology and journey into the games industry

- How game developers can design games to be more inclusive and accessible

- Biases we have as game developers and how we can avoid them

- The success of Fortnite and the process of playtesting to find UX problems to solve

- Video game addiction, UX dark design patterns, and ethics in games

- Star Wars 1313 prototyping

Celia Hodent - Twitter

Ethical games (Code of Conduct) - Website

Celia Hodent, PhD is an expert in game UX (user experience) and cognitive psychology. She is a consultant, speaker, and acclaimed author of The Gamer’s Brain: How Neuroscience and UX can Impact Video Game Design & The Psychology of Video Games.

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