Does this sound familiar? You've been told to hire more salespeople to boost  

your declining sales, but it's not delivering the results you expected. The  

pain of investing time and money into new hires without seeing significant  

growth can be frustrating. In this episode, we'll show you a more effective  

approach by focusing on top-of-funnel metrics and lead qualification to drive  

sustainable growth and overcome this challenge.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Unravel the impact of leading metrics and lead qualification in  

powering growth.  

Disclose the efficacy of harmonized messaging in enhancing the results

of sales talks.  

Extract valuable cues from customer interactions to bolster your  

messaging strategy.  

Familiarize with the magic of six probing questions to collect vital  

feedback and optimize messaging.  

Appreciate the importance of building faith and formulating a method  

for uniform message uptake.

The key moments in this episode are:


00:00:06 -            


00:01:03 -            

              The Issue of Throwing People at Problems,            

00:03:37 -            

              Analyzing Top of Funnel,            

00:06:26 -            

              Fine-Tuning Messaging,            

00:10:22 -            

              Messaging vs. People Problem,            

00:13:08 -            

              Messaging and Sales Process,            

00:14:38 -            

              Understanding Capacity,            

00:15:11 -            

              Timing and Capacity Planning,            

00:17:23 -            

              Quality Over Quantity,            

00:21:10 -            

              Hiring the Right Way,            

00:25:28 -            

              Leading with Why in Communication,            

00:26:24 -            

              Involving the Team in Hiring and Growth,            

00:27:20 -            

              Evolving and Adapting to Change,            

00:28:29 -            

              Prioritizing Physical and Mental Health,            

00:29:45 -            

              Finding Adam J Online,