Heather Hoytard, the Director of Sales at Fidelity Labs, shared valuable insights on navigating career changes, emphasizing the importance of aligning one's career with one's passions and strengths. She highlighted the need to listen to one's intuition and make deliberate choices in career decisions. Heather also discussed the significance of focusing on industry alignment and taking a long-term approach to career development. She provided practical advice on job hunting, emphasizing quality over quantity and treating the job search process like an enterprise sales motion. Heather's advice on trusting one's gut instincts and finding industry alignment resonated with the audience, offering valuable guidance on building a fulfilling and successful career.

00:02.000 Introduction to Reinventing Your Career

00:03:55.000 Observing Shifts in Career Choices

00:05:35.000 Signs and Questions for Career Evaluation

00:09:07.000 Balancing Enjoyable and Unenjoyable Aspects of a Job

00:15:53.000 Pivoting Careers and Making Transitions

00:23:40.000 Approaching Job Hunting Like a Sales Process

00:27:18.000 Differentiating Between Job and Career

00:31:17.000 Living Better Through Intuition and Gut Instincts