Third podcast episode by Kathleen Peddicord and Lief Simon – Live And Invest Overseas Podcast.

Kathleen Peddicord and Lief Simon give their opinions and suggestions on retiring abroad as a single woman, opening a bank account online (not needing to go to the bank in person), how to travel with a second passport when traveling, and how to handle banking with our second passport.

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Here are the questions addressed in today's Live And Invest Overseas Podcast. episode:

From Diane M.: I am a retired single lady from Canada. Where would you suggest spending the winter months?
From Edie S.: I am living in France and want to wire money from my U.S. account to another bank quickly, preferable an offshore account. How can I do this without being able to leave?  Are there safe bank accounts in other countries one could open online? Many thanks.
From Natalie T.: Thanks so much for your "6 Strategies For Bulletproofing Your Financial Future" report, which I’ve just received.

A question I continue to have with regard to the use of a second passport is that I am under the impression that one has to use their U.S. passport to leave and return to the United States, yes? If so, then how does the second passport come into play? Does one have to make separate flight arrangements in order to use the alternate passport at the first and last layover country?

A second question I have with regard to use of a second passport has to do with banking. An offshore bank may be open to the alternate passport, but don't we still have to divulge that we are U.S. citizens, too?

Thanks again for your attention. Be well.
Amanda H.: I am a young expat. I have never invested in real estate. Is it okay for a newbie in real estate to have his/her first investment outside of their country of residence? Is it best for a newbie to invest close to where they live? Thanks!