Podcast Episode #13 by Kathleen Peddicord and Lief Simon––Live And Invest Overseas Podcast

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Here are the questions addressed in today's episode:

Marleah S. writes:
"Kathleen, if one buys property to use to show the ‘economic tie’ requirement of the Friendly Nations visa program in Panama, gets their permanent residency, then has an opportunity to sell the property for a profit and doesn’t reinvest in another ‘economic tie,’ would that jeopardize the visa status at all?"

Mark E. writes:
“Kathleen, a friend who has moved to Panama has been telling me that it’s not uncommon for the police there to pull you over on the road and then expect a payoff to let you go without a ticket. Is this true? How common is this really? What is your experience with bribery in Panama? It gives me pause about moving there, though that has been my intention for some time.”

James W. writes:
I am a sportsman. I was told Panama is better than Costa Rica for snook and tarpon fishing. What do you think?

Ed O. writes:
Wow! Great info about rainy season tips recently. Just to let you know, reading those tips, I just took Panama off my potential second-home list.
I get it! Your intention was pure! You really are doing your best to present the full picture of a place. I guess there is a downside to so much honesty. Now I need to find a new dream location!
Blessings, Kathleen!