Live to work, or work to live?  

Either way, being financially independent - and not relying on your next paycheck or your “emergency” savings - is a goal well-worth striving for.

Having the financial freedom to remove money as a concern, and just go about living your life is a powerful thing. And, thankfully, it isn’t something that’s just reserved for folks in the 60+ club with a successful retirement plan.

My guest, Kiki Roeder, is proof of this. She’s in her early 30s and already financially sound - no paycheck anxiety or dipping into those rainy day “reserve” funds. Nope. She has a plan and executes it well.

And don’t be fooled - it was no easy path for her to get to this point. But her wisdom in getting your #MoneyMindset on track, and working hard to pursue her business passions - is far beyond her years, IMHO. 

What we tackle in this episode:

What exactly does it mean to be financially independent? How do you even know that you’ve made it? Does it mean that you don’t have to rely on making more money? Is it even possible? Do I have to wait until I’m retired?

Learn more about Kiki Roeder:

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