You ever get slightly jealous when you look at someone’s social media page and see that they have more followers and likes than you?

According to Psychology Today, it’s natural to feel this way.

There’s such a thing called Social Comparison Theory . It states that “we determine our own social and personal worth based on how we stack up against others we perceive as somehow faring better or worse.”

Social media is great in that it keep us so closely connected to our loved ones -- always staying up to date with what they’re up to. But the detrimental side of it occurs when we constantly compare ourselves to others on there, even stacking ourselves up to complete strangers.

We compare ourselves to others as a way of fostering self-improvement or self-motivation. But it can also promote judgmental, biased and overly competitive or superior attitudes.

This week, I sit down with Amber Dee, an online marketing strategist and therapist, to discuss the side effects -- good and bad -- of constantly comparing ourselves to others on social media.

The bottom-line is to not tie your self-worth into how many followers and likes you get.

Just because someone has a lot of followers and “likes” on Instagram doesn’t necessarily mean they’re making any real money.

What we tackle in this episode:

What metrics really matter in determining someone’s success on social media How people buy “followers” and “likes” on social media How to improve your social media engagement to attract real followers How we can avoid the comparison paralysis with others online

GUEST: Amber Dee

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