How do we make change of such massively complex ways of doing things for our cities and towns? My guest today has many thoughts about this and much practical advice to share.

In this sixth episode, I interview Michael Schneider where we talk about the gridlocked streets of Los Angeles and how he started the non-profit and coalition to change this, Streets For All. Michael has a ton of practical advice on how to channel your frustrations about your neighborhood into getting started making change.

He recommends starting with understanding your frustrations well, then go meet people and leaders where you live. Listen, don’t be afraid to ask even the dumb questions about why things are the way they are and then point out your frustrations to them. See if people share in your frustrations. Lead people into a new vision that inspires positive change and forms meaningful relationships. Remember that change is lasting when you have shared values with those around you.

Notable things Michael mentioned during the interview:

“Safely crossing the street outside where you live is a basic human thing.”

“We don’t need to live this way” on being stuck in traffic and choking on polluted air.

“Shift from blue skies and blind optimism” to “practical optimism that things can change”.

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