It is the middle of August. Summer is almost over. I know this because the Blue Jays' hopes of a playoff spot are growing ever dimmer. As the summer draws to a close Emilie and I cannot help but dread the craziness that will engulf us in the very near future.

We are in the process of doing renovations to accommodate baby number 2 (unlike Charlie who had a cute in utero nickname, our second child is known simply by the number two). There is much work to be done to prepare for #2's arrival. We are turning the office into Charlie's room so #2 can move into the baby's room. This sounds easier on paper than it is in reality. This simple change required new master bedroom furniture so the office could be moved into our room. And why do one reno when you can do two - I also thought it a good time to paint all the molding in the kitchen. Currently the kitchen molding is half sanded, Ikea only delivered half of our new furniture, and the office is a disaster.

I wonder if we will be ready for #2's arrival. Emilie and I both have large trials over the next two months. Charlie is not much help with sand paper or that little Ikea wrench. I expect that #2 will end up sleeping in an unfinished room. I guess this is typical for a second child - my younger brother always complained that he suffered from the 'hand me down' plight of being second born.

We did find time to take a trip to B.C. to visit Em's brother. It was a fantastic. I would write about the great weather, the beautiful scenery, spending time with Pat.... but I have to go sand molding.... and the pictures tell it all.

Stanley Park

Pat and Charlie on one of our many hikes

Almost at our destination - A private beach

Pat singing Charlie to sleep

Charlie at the Goat Zoo in Victoria

Charlie loved the fish at the Vancouver Aquarium (so did Bear)

Charlie's Sand Castle