It's hard to believe that he's finally here, but on December 5, 2008 we welcomed our son, Henry Patrick Spratt into the world. I wanted to say "we welcomed our little boy" but to call him little would be quite a misstatement. Hank weighed in at a hefty 9 lbs 6 oz or for the metrically-minded, 4275 g. His massive girth came as quite a surprise and unfortunately gave rise to some delivery-related complications. But after a long stretch of labour followed by a quicky quick surgery baby Henry emerged happy as a clam and has been that way ever since.

Charlie LOVES being a big sister. She has been as helpful as a two year old can and smothers the little bugger with hugs and kisses at ever possible opportunity. We figure it's good for his immune system (?)...

Christmas came and went in a haze of diaper changes, late nights and, for me (Emilie) the slow and gradual recovery from the C-section. Things are slowly getting back to normal and we're all having fun adjusting to our new life together. Sorry for the delay in posting but I'll try to get more out soon. Happy New Year everyone - we look forward to seeing you and introducing you to baby H in the coming months.