Previous Episode: Cleaning up and shipping out
Next Episode: Fall Fall Fall Fall

It is hard to believe that I have been back to work for a month. The transition has been quite painless, but perhaps a bit sudden. One day I am changing a diaper and the next I am back in court defending the mostly innocent. A large reason for easy transition was our grand-parental support. With both me and Emilie at work and no day care the grandparents came to the rescue. Louise took the first shift and looked after Charlie for a week. Noel and Linda took the second shift and kept the baby alive for a second week. With live in grandparents, Emilie and I got used to having our cooking, cleaning, laundry and house repairs done for us. After the Grandparents left we entered the final sprint of summer wedding madness.
Emilie and I have been to seven weddings this year. This means we have had to buy 7 different presents (we are actually 3 behind) and travel to 5 different cities (Montreal, Ohio, Toronto, and Halifax - twice)...... with a baby. Charlie has attended each wedding with us; Emilie and I are trying to teach her to never pass up a free meal. We end the season of weddings with a blitz of three weddings in three weekends in three cities.

While in Toronto for the first of the three weddings, we were invited to Emilie's goddaughter Sydney's second birthday party. It was great to see Maggie and Bruno again and even better to meet their fresh baby Tucker.

The wedding was fantastic, especially since my parents and brother where invited as well. Charlie loved to crawl around the floor with Uncle Jon (or did Jon like to crawl around the floor with Charlie?).

Last weekend was perhaps our most stressful wedding adventure. We all flew to Nova Scotia for Danielle's wedding. Charlie was well behaved on the plane, but our weekend began with a two hour rental car seat installation odyssey. That painful memory (it was literally painful because I almost broke my hand) was soon forgotten. We drove to Devon and Andrew's and had a great time hanging out in Halifax before heading down the coast

Danielle got married in Peggy's cove (to a Peggy's Cove-ian). We stayed at a beautiful B&B and, as usual, the owners of the B&B were certifiably crazy (and a little racist). The scenery and weather were fantastic. Charlie had a great time, but as you can see stayed out a bit past her bed time.

Our last wedding is in Ottawa. Thank god! We are looking forward to some lazy fall weekends.

On the developmental front Charlie grew (or is it sprung) a new tooth. She can crawl like a real baby. She can also pull herself up to standing and especially likes to stand up in her crib in the morning - very cute. She makes a ton of new noises, has developed a love for broccoli and will copy you if you pat your head (but don't do it because Charlie tends to hit her head too hard). She is growing up fast; only 3 more years until she if off to blessedly free public school.

P.S. Thanks have to go out ot Devon and Andrew who again let us crash in their living room while in Halifax. Charlie always gets her teeth at their place (5 out of 6 I think), which can lead to crankey nights.