Previous Episode: Jolly Spinner

It is a sad day. Today marks my last weekday away from work. On Monday I return to the widget factory to defend the mostly innocent. Truth be told I am looking forward to the return to work; I love my job. At the same time I know I am going to miss staying at home with Charlie. The years of expensive daycare are about to begin.

I have learned a lot on my time off. Most importantly I learned
that a 14 year old member of the Taliban can grow a better beard then me. It made me sad to bathe and shave, but it made the world of personal hygiene and style that much better.

Back to Work Rant
STEPHEN HARPER IS A FOOL: We received our $100 a month child care check a few weeks ago. The accompanying letter said that the money will give us a CHOICE about child care (unlike the Liberal's universal daycare plan). What *&$!*@# planet is Harper on. $100 lets us chose nothing. It does not let me quit my job and stay at home and it does not even cover %10 of monthly daycare fees. What a disingenuous fool. It upsets me that I can look across the river into Quebec and see the $7 a day daycare spots.

We need an election - and a viable option to the Steven Harper Conservatives - maybe a career change is in order.