Previous Episode: DaDa Day
Next Episode: Comic Charlie

I owe Charlie an apology. I may have recently accused her of playing sick. As it turns out she was sick; Charlie had a massive ear infection. After a trip to the doctor and 10 days of medication (oral injection 3 times a day) Charlie was as right as rain. This was a good thing as we were about to embark on road trip to Ohio to attend Katie and Jack's wedding.


Provinces: 1
States: 3
MacDonald's Meals: 4
Hours in Car: 24
Antibiotics: Priceless (actual price $14)

We have discovered that a road trip with a small baby is less like an epic voyage and more like multiple short sprints. Pit stops are needed every 2-3 hours to feed the child and more importantly to deal with explosive car seat shits (please note that we hate baby talk - no sane adult calls feces CaCa, boo-boo, doo-doo, poo-poo, or shoo-shoo). We also stopped for the night in Hamilton on the way to Ohio and Toronto on the way back. It felt like we were driving for ever, although it was great to spend time in Hamilton with the family.

We finally rolled into Ohio on Friday and headed straight to the rehearsal dinner. This was a special wedding for Emilie as she went to camp with Katie and Jack. She has known Katie since they were 10 years old and Jack since around 17. Camp weddings are always fun and prove to be a convenient mini reunion (aka a giant bender).

On Saturday Charlie was herself reunited with her baby friend Kate (see Febuary 20th post). Kate is now 14 months old and is just learning to walk. Emilie and I love the preview of tricks that Charlie will someday learn.

The wedding itself was fantastic. I say this not because the setting was idyllic, the bride was beautiful, or because the food was dreamy, but because Katie arranged a baby sitter for the babies. This meant that mommy and daddy could drink and stay out late. By late I mean 11 pm and we only drank enough to get tipsy, not wanting to be hung over for the 6am wake up. We had a great time.

On the way home we stayed with Aunt Catherine in Toronto and paid a visit to a very pregnant Maggie, Bruno, and 2 year old Sidney.

Charlie did very well on her first road trip and now I feel slightly less intimidated by the thought of the drive to Nova Scotia in 2 weeks. On second thought the thought of driving across 4 provinces make me shoo-shoo my pants.