I thought it may be appropriate to write a post to document my first Father's Day. To start with the important information, I got lots of presents and got to sleep in! I also came to the realization that I have had it easy the past month. It has been a tough week with Charlie; the perfect storm hit. Charlie is teething (her two bottom teeth have cut through), she has a cold, and it has been very hot (only made worse by the helmet and the furnace of a room she sleeps in). Charlie has woken up in the middle of the night a few times and has cried more than normal. She is still very cute, but now very loud.

I think the worst is over, but it is hard to tell as Charlie has also learned a new skill; the 'Bob Barker' fake-out (very appropriate timing as Bob just finished his 35 year run on the Price is Right). For those that don't know, the Bob Barker Fake-Out is when one feigns sickness in order to stay at home from school (and watch the Price is Right from 11am-12pm), but then miraculously recovers at about 4pm.

The very hilarious videos are documentation of Charlies new skill. She cried uncontrollable before and after, but when she wanted to play she showed no signs of ill health.

P.S: The author of this post does not admit to anytime of fakery at any time and certainly never pretended to be sick in order to miss school and hang out in his Grandmothers basement, drink tea, and watch the Price is Right (A Mark Goodson Television Production)